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Pioneer House High School is committed to providing a planned programme of impartial careers education and information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students as part of the Careers Curriculum.  Student progress is tracked through carefully structured enterprise outcomes and monitoring of careers related learning. 

This curriculum incorporates a wide range of planned activities, each having clear learning outcomes which support the development of skills that are required for the world of work and lifelong learning.  At Pioneer House High School, careers education, information advice and guidance is both broad and balanced. The focus of this, is on the personal development of each individual student, offering fully inclusive opportunities both within school and outside school to develop the necessary skills required to be “work ready” as they leave school. 

Our students learn by doing, and all our students, regardless of ability, have the opportunity to sample a range of realistic career options as part of the work experience opportunities that are made available to them as part of the vocational curriculum. These opportunities are supported by both school staff and other professionals within a range of work contexts in the local community. 

Students’ learning in this area of the curriculum is enhanced by their participation in enterprise days, college visits, enrichment activities, opportunities to access the local community and their involvement in local community projects. All activities aim to inspire, challenge and motivate students whilst at the same time promoting equality of opportunity. 

As with all learning at Pioneer House High School, the Careers curriculum is fully differentiated and personalised to ensure that all students, regardless of ability, are able to make progress in this area. This in turn equips them with the tools necessary to make informed decisions in terms of future destinations as they make the transition from school to adulthood.  All students, along with their parents and carers are fully supported at each transition point which ensures positive and sustainable outcomes for students during their time at Pioneer House High School and beyond. 


Measuring the Impact of our Careers Programme 

The impact of our careers programme at Pioneer House High School is reported in a number of ways. 

We report our leavers’ destinations data each year to the Local Authority in line with their data capture timelines.  This data is also reported to Governors each term. 

Our intensive work with any students who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) when they leave Pioneer House is closely monitored by Governors and the Local Authority. The school works closely with the Local Authority and Career Connect to ensure that all students progress from Pioneer House on to relevant and sustainable destination.  Regular reports are shared with Governors and the Local Authority which evaluate the impact of this work and outline the interventions that have been implemented to support our students to progress on to sustainable destinations. 

Our annual Careers and Next Steps event, employer led workshops and employer encounters are evaluated for impact. The results of these evaluations feed into our action plan to inform our next steps. 

Our Careers programme has been formally evaluated as meeting the standard for the Quality in Careers Standard full award. 

Our progress towards our achievement of all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks in full, is formally assessed each term using the Compass evaluation tool as part of our partnership working with the Careers and Enterprise Company. 

Date of next review: January 2025 

Careers Department Staff: 

Diane Ainsworth – Deputy Head Teacher – Careers Lead -d.ainsworth@pioneerhouse.net  0161 241 8100

Lisa Hunter – TA4 – Work Experience , Careers and Employability 

Zoey Jones – TA3 -  Careers and Employability